§ 11. Director of Human Resources.  

Latest version.
  • The Director of Human Resources shall be the secretary to the personnel board, and shall perform the functions prescribed in section 2 [10] of this Act, except as otherwise specifically provided in section 4 [12] hereof. The Director of Human Resources shall occupy a full-time position and be the head of the Human Resources department. He shall hold office until the next ensuing city election, and until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. Until August 1, 1951, the Director of Human Resources shall be elected by the City Commission and serve at their pleasure, but thereafter the Director of Human Resources shall be appointed by the city manager by and with the consent of the personnel board. If the appointee of the city manager shall be confirmed by the personnel board, he shall then qualify as such Director of Human Resources and enter upon the discharge of his duties. In the event that such appointment is rejected by the personnel board, the city manager shall be notified of such rejection by the personnel board within forty-eight hours, and thereafter the city manager shall be authorized and empowered to certify another appointee to the personnel board within five days thereafter. If the personnel board rejects such subsequent appointment, or in the event the city manager shall fail or refuse to appoint the Director of Human Resources, as aforesaid, then the personnel board shall proceed to elect such Director of Human Resources.

    The personnel board shall have the rights, by resolution adopted by the favorable vote of at least four voting members, to remove the Director of Human Resources.

(Laws of Fla., 1937, ch. 18696, § 3; Laws of Fla., 1951, ch. 27735, § 2; Ord. No. 93-2868, § 1, 9-22-93)