§ 118-258. Building permit application.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The applicant or his authorized agent shall make application for a building permit. The application shall include, at a minimum, the two sets of plans which were approved by the design review board and stamped and signed by the planning director or his authorized representative.


    No building permit, certificate of occupancy, certificate of completion, or occupational license shall be issued unless all of the plans, including amendments, notes, revisions, or modifications, have been approved by the planning director. Minor modifications to plans that have been approved by the board shall be permitted when approved by the planning director.


    Expiration of orders of the Design Review Board. No building permit, full building permit or phased development permit shall be issued for any plan subject to design review except in conformity with the approved plans. The applicant shall have up to 18 months, or such lesser time as may be specified by the board, from the date of the board meeting at which design review approval was granted to obtain a full building permit or a phased development permit. The foregoing 18-month time period includes the time period during which an appeal of the decision of the design review board may be filed, pursuant to the requirements of Section 118-9. If the applicant fails to obtain a full building permit or a phased development permit within 18 months, or such lesser time as may be specified by the board, of the board meeting date at which design review approval was granted, and/or construction does not commence and proceed in accordance with said permit and the requirements of the applicable Florida Building Code, all staff and board approvals shall be deemed null and void. Extensions for good cause, not to exceed a total of one year for all extensions, may be granted by the board, at its sole discretion, provided the applicant submits a request in writing to the planning director no later than 90 calendar days after the expiration of the original approval, showing good cause for such an extension. At the discretion of the planning director, an applicant may have up to 30 days (not to extend beyond 30 months from the date of original approval) to complete the building permit review process and obtain a full building permit, provided that within the time provided by the board to obtain a full building permit a valid full building permit application and plans have been filed with the building department, a building permit process number has been issued and the planning department has reviewed the plans and provided initial comments.

    Please refer to [section] 118-9 relating to appealed orders, and tolling.


    An applicant may submit an application for a building permit simultaneously with a design plan review in order to expedite processing, however, no building permit shall be issued until the final design plan has been stamped and signed by the planning director or designee in accordance with these land development regulations.


    No construction may commence in the event a design review approval expires.

(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 18-2(H), eff. 10-1-89; Ord. No. 90-2722, eff. 11-21-90; Ord. No. 95-3003, eff. 7-22-95; Ord. No. 2000-3268, § 2, 9-27-00; Ord. No. 2003-3416, § 2, 6-11-03; Ord. No. 2008-3599, § 2, 3-12-08; Ord. No. 2015-3977, § 9, eff. 12-19-15)