§ 118-257. Deferrals, continuances, and withdrawals.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    An applicant may defer an application before the public hearing only one time. The request to defer shall be in writing. When an application is deferred, it shall be re-noticed at the applicant's expense as provided in section 118-254. The applicant shall also pay a deferral fee as set forth in this article. In the event that the application is not presented to the design review board for approval at the meeting date for which the application was deferred, the application shall be deemed null and void. If the application is deferred by the board, the notice requirements shall be the same as for a new application as provided in section 118-254, and shall be at the city's expense.


    The board may continue an application to a date certain at either the request of the applicant or at its own discretion.


    In the event the application is continued due to the excessive length of an agenda or in order for the applicant to address specific concerns expressed by the board and/or staff, the applicant shall present for approval to the board a revised application inclusive of all required exhibits which attempt to address the concerns of the board and/or staff, for the date certain set by the board, which shall be no more than 120 days after the date on which the board continues the matter.


    In the event that the applicant fails to present for approval to the board, a revised application as described above within 120 days of the date the application was continued, the application shall be deemed null and void.


    Deferrals or continuances for a specific application shall not exceed one year cumulatively for all such continuances or deferrals made by the board, or the application shall be deemed null and void.


    An application may be withdrawn by the applicant if such request is in writing and filed with the planning department prior to the public hearing, or requested during the public hearing, provided, however, that no application may be withdrawn after final action has been taken. Upon a withdrawal or final denial of an application for design review approval from the design review board the same application cannot be filed within six months of the date of the withdrawal or denial unless, however, the decision of the board taking any such action is made without prejudice to refile.


    In the event there is a lack of a quorum, all pending or remaining matters shall be continued to the next available meeting of the board.

(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 18-2(G), eff. 10-1-89; Ord. No. 95-3003, eff. 7-22-95; Ord. No. 2000-3268, § 2, 9-27-00; Ord. No. 2010-3711, § 3, 12-8-10)