§ 2.06. Duties of elected mayor.  

Latest version.
  • The Mayor shall be the presiding officer at the meetings of the Commission and shall bear the title of Mayor and shall have a voice and a vote in the proceedings of the City Commission but no veto power, and he/she may use the title of Mayor in any case in which the execution of legal instruments in writing or other necessity arising from the general laws of the state so requires; he/she shall sign all deeds, contracts, bonds or other instruments of writing to the which the City is a party when authorized to do so by ordinance or resolution of the City Commission, but he/she shall not have the administrative or judicial functions and powers of the Mayor under the general laws of the state. He/she shall be recognized as the official head of the City by the Courts for the purpose of serving civil processes, by the Governor in the exercise of military law and for all ceremonial purposes and he/she shall, in addition thereto, perform such other duties as may be by ordinance prescribed by the City Commission. The Mayor shall be the appointing authority for the employees in the Mayor's Office who are in the unclassified service.